RAN Online is campus-based MMORPG, which features schools (Mystic Peak, Sacred Gate and Phoenix) vying to become the best of the best. Players can choose to become the sword-wielding Swordsman, the melee fighter Brawler, the bow-brandishing Archer, and the Qi-Gong expert Shaman.
Here is the detailed guide on How to play Ran Online:
- Click on the Game Start and select the server you want to be logged in.
- Click on the server and the channel you want to log-in. Channel 0 is a PK channel. PK is short for Player Kill Mode.
- Start creating your character by clicking on the Create button located in the lower left corner. One account entitles you to two character cards. You can choose any server you want to create your character.
- Choose from the three schools where you want to be enrolled in. Sacred Gate, Mystic Peak or Phoenix. Once you’ve chosen a school, choose your preferred class, Brawler, Swordsman, Archer, or Shaman.
- Customize your look by choose from the four societies, the hair type and the face type.
You can now start the game by choosing the character you want to play by double-clicking it. - The bottom picture is the starting point. Try to type “M” to open the map and see your current location indicated with the arrow.
- Some bread, a basic weapon and a 7 hours Resurrection Training Rosary will be provided to you. Equip the Training Rosary at once because it runs in real time. To use the rosary, click the “USE” icon.
- Start the registration process by visiting the first Student Director. Follow the instructions by clicking on “T” for the quests window, then click the “DETAILS” icon. You’ll be instructed to go to your instructor, the nurse located in the upper left corner of the main campus. The Basic Science Classroom is in the lower left room beside the Locker’s Room.
- You can now head on to the Market Place, ride the Buggy. It is near the entrance to the Main Campus.
- Clicking on the Personal Stores available, you’ll be able to buy rare items. To open a Personal Store of your own, just buy a Business Permit from the item shop.
- Every level you will gain 3 stat points where you can distribute according to the build you want.
- Put the Potions, Refine Pill or Bread in the Quick-select items in the Inventory Tools Window [Q, W, E, A, S, D] located in the upper left corner beside the HP, MP and SP indicator.

You are now ready to face Ran Online missions! Goodluck!