[image source: ran online]
This is your game interface when you are playing
Ran Online. As a beginner, you may want to know all the items on your game browser. I will be posting in here the detailed guide on Ran Online's Game Interface. In case you're not ready for this, why not read the
Ran Online Beginner's Guide first, to help you with the initial stages of the game.
HP - HP refers to the health/life of your character. When your character’s HP reaches “0″, your character will die. Before the HP drops down to “0″, be sure to restore it by using HP Restoration Items/Potions or by taking a rest.
MP - MP refers to the spirit consumed when utilizing your character’s skills. A skill uses enough MP to be able to use it. Restore your MP by using MP Restoration Items/Potions or by taking a rest.
SP - SP refers to the strength needed while doing attacks. Continuous attacks will consume more SP. A player with insufficient SP won’t be able to attack. Your character’s strength can be restored by using the SP Restoration Potion or by taking a rest.
EXP - EXP refers to the Experience points (in %) your character acquires during the game. EXP can be gained by successfully battling your enemies and accomplishing missions. A character advances to the next level when EXP bar reaches 100%.
You can register all desired consumable items in the Tools Inventory Window, for immediate use. You can do it by using the the left mouse button to select all the consumable items in the Tools Inventory Window. Start dragging them in the Tools Shortcut Bar to complete the registration to a shortcut key. Once registered you can just press the appropriate key/s to use a specific consumable item immediately without accessing your inventory.
There are six shortcut keys available in the game. These are the Q, W, E, A, S, D keys.
Register all the skills acquired from the Skills Window into the Skills Shortcut Bar for immediate use. Passive skills are not to be registered to the Skills shortcut bar. You can do these by using the left mouse button to select all the skill/s your character acquired in the Skills Window, and place it in the Skills Shortcut Bar to complete the registration to a specific shortcut key.
There are ten shortcut keys available. These are the 1-0 keys of your keyboard.
- Compass and Grid Reference
The Compass and Grid reference indicates the character’s current position. It consists of maps and grid reference information. The current game’s date and time are shown in the bottom part of the compass.
The Chat Window is intended for input/output of chat messages. This interface allows players to communicate and interact with other characters in the game during game play. You can start your chat by pressing the [Enter] button or Right Mouse Button to activate the Chat Window and key in the messages you would like to display. Press the [Enter] button to send out the messages and display it in the Chat Window.
- System MENU/Window Menu List
System Menu panel displays the diagram list and system settings menu in each window. System MENU includes four (4) selections These are the (1)Exit or Move to Server Selection Menu, (2) Game Options or System Functions, (3) Help or On-Line Guide and (4) Game Over or End Game.
The Window Menu List includes the Tools Inventory Bar (I), Character (C), Skills (K), Party (P), Gang (G), Missions (T), Friends (F), Map (M), Bank (B), and Run/Walk (R).
Open the Inventory Window using Shortcut: “I” key. Left-click on the equipment that meets the requirements and drag it to the Inventory Bar to equip.
The Tools Bar have 24 slots in which each item will occupy one slot. Most of the consumable items can overlap in the same slot. You can purchase the “Items Expansion Bar Slot” from the net officer. The maximum expandable slots are limited to 18 slots. Even though there is a limit in space, there is no weight limits in your Tools Bar.
This area displays the total Coins a character currently possesses. You can throw coins on the floor by Left-clicking on the Coins icon, and key-in the desirable amount to throw.
Open the Character’s Info Window using the shortcut “C” key. you can find the following in this window:
1. Ability
There are 5 types of ability points. These include strength, dexterity, spirit, physical strength and endurance.
This is where you will distribute your earned stat points when you level up. To distribute points, left-click on the Ability point’s icon. A player may actually do a reset to the ability points previously distributed, by purchasing a merchandise from the Net Officer intended to reset the ability points distribution.
2. Conditions
Conditions of individual character refer to status of the character’s Health, MP, Strength, and other battling attributes. The values in each attribute are based on the character’s level, ability points, condition, and equipment used. Higher Condition points will characterize the ability of your character to win battles against your enemies and other players.
3. Resistances
These attributes determine the resistance of your character against special attacking effects and unusual conditions from your enemies. Unusual conditions include Paralyze, Petrify, Burning, Freeze, poison, etc.
4. Society Attributes
This part displays your Character’s Society Information.
Open the Skills Window using the shortcut “K” key. Point your mouse cursor at the Skills icon to determine the requirements for a specific skill. You will be able to determine if the current attributes of your character are adequate in order to learn that skill.
The red sections in the menu indicate that your current attributes need to comply with the required attribute necessary to activate and use that skill. The skills description will display the specific type of weapon to equip in order to use that skill. It is important to know that a character’s equipped weapon will affect the usage of skills.
Open the Party Window using the shortcut “P” key. A Party has minimum of two people and a maximum of eight. During the game, a player can form his/her own party to kill monsters. Use the Party command is an advantage to conveniently kill different monsters.
Based on the different party members’ combination, the experience points gained from killing the same monster will differ. The experience points obtained from the team attack pattern will be allocated automatically to each party member based on the game’s system rule. Once a player go beyond a certain distance from the other party’s members, they will not get the distribution of party’s experience points.
The member who initiated the partying will become the party leader, and the party leader has the power to recruit, sack and dismiss members of the party. Members have the freedom to quit a specific party at their own will.
Open the Gang Window using the shortcut “G” key. You need to be level 30 for you to be able to create a Gang. A Gang has five members and above. The Gang Master can form the group provided that the gang members should be part of the Student Council of a college.
Gang members should be characters from the same college. Any character can be part of a gang no matter what the character’s level is. The Gang Master has the power to recruit sack and disband members of the Gang. Gang members can set their own unique nickname. For Gang Leveling the Gang Master must have sufficient living points.
View your missions in the Missions Window using the short “T” key. Players will be exposed to different missions as they level up. A mission is determined by a Mission Name, Mission Guides, Mission Procedures, Mission Tips, Rewards, etc. Once a mission is accomplished, players will get the specific rewards (coins, equipment, experience points or skill).
View the Map using the shortcut: “M” key. The Map Displays the Location of your character and the environment. The Location of your character in the Map is displayed with a blue round Arrow as shown in the illustration. Other special characters and locations are displayed with a red dot. You can drag around the map to browse thru the map boundaries and locations. There are several portal points within the map that transport you character to another location. These portals are characterized by glowing platforms on the ground.