RF Online is a mixture of science fiction and classic fantasy, the new MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) RF Online is set in a distant planet where magic exists alongside high technology. Existing MMORPGs follow the typical fantasy setting complete with swords and sorcery, but RF Online defines a unique new game setting: the Clash of Civilizations.
Three races, hungry for resources descend on a planet and engage in battle for control of the rare minerals found there. There are the Accretians, who have forsaken the flesh for steel in their pursuit of perfection. These are cyborgs who have forsaken all flesh for the unyielding power of steel, and in doing so, have transformed themselves into the most physically superior race. Because of this, they have no access to magic, though their technology is superior than the others.
The war begins with the Imperial Army of Accretia which first entered the war to protect themselves from the Imperialist Bellato Union who tried to conquer the entire galaxy. Later, they allied themselves with the Cora armed forces against the Union , and upon their triumph, split asunder the Empire that the Bellato Union tried to establish. Upon restaking their claim as an Empire, the Accretia gathered its troops for war against their former cohorts among the Holy Alliance of Cora and the newly formed Bellato Federation to lay claim to the Talic Mines.
Civilizations will clash. A battle will begin in the name of a god. A rebellious group will seek to reclaim its lost glory. They will feel the wrath and steel of an Empire.
A new war is about to begin.
Developer: CCR
Philippine Server: Level Up!
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