The Game Story
In the ancient orient, there lies a peaceful and serene continent where the human race has lived in peace and harmony tor many generations. Happiness enveloped every living creature, eager to maintain the tranquility of their daily lives. However, beneath the stillness of the vast lands lays an ancient evil, quietly collecting energy tor years on end, preparing to be born again. When the dark force finally regained its strength and power, the unknown evil broke through the surface and wreaked havoc and carnage to al living creatures, spilling blood on the once peaceful evergreen. Hence, the dark force was called the Blood King and has claimed the Blood Palace as its kingdom. The Blood King's onslaught continued, slaughtering thousands of mortals and other Irving creatures, further strengthening its power by absorbing the precious soul energy residing in everyone. Those were the dark times. The whole world was bathed in blood and tear. People became destitute and homeless. The once beautiful and peaceful continent became a hell tilled with corpses and vile creatures.
Amidst the terror, a spark of hope remains. The great rabbi Master Tian Meng of the North, brought with him a mighty force never seen before. Fortified with unique abilities and gifted with the power to wield mighty weapons at their will, this army rallied to stop the bloodshed and regain peace once more. They invaded the Blood Palace in what was to known as the Great Blood War. This historical battle lasted for five days, with the death of the Blood King under Master Tian Meng's super skill known as Heaven Ice. The evil forces were sealed inside a mystical ice block and locked deep within the icy pools of the Green Scarp.
After the Blood King was seated and imprisoned beneath the icy depths, the villagers began to rebuild their home-stead. The whole continent gradually regained peace and harmony, similar to the lives they ted before the Blood King shattered the tranquility. In order to safeguard the human race, Master Tian Meng and his Soul Benders decided to create their own juntas and accepted numerous apprentices whose main duty is to safeguard the lands. And so the Monk, Wizard. Fairy. Tamer and Assassin - the five juntas came into being. The force of justice became stronger and stronger as the years went on.
Developer: CloudToad
Philippine Server: GameClub
Weapons of War Installer Download
Weapons of War
jrussellj on 3:04 PM